Friday, January 1, 2010

Let me see That

I don’t care about Time.
I want to curl inside
the arms of this Instant
and rest there.

Here opens this moment,
right beautifully now,
breathing itself new.
I don’t want to look through
yesterday’s thoughts.
Show me how to See.

Let me pay naked attention
To everything I see.
Divinity is all around,
under me, over me, beside me, within me.
Let me see That.


Susannah said...

Really beautiful

I loved - "Let me pay naked attention
To everything I see.
Divinity is all around"


I am glad I discovered your blog. :-)

Oraea Varis said...

Elsa Joy, Thanks for such beautiful inspiration...a gorgeous reminder to "curl up in the arms of this instant". Love it. ~Oraea

surjit singh said...

Great insights:
..'Divinity is all around,
under me, over me, beside me, within me...'.
Thanks for sharing.
God bless.

Anonymous said...

And isn't it wonderful...delightful in fact that I got to be in this moment and read your wonderful words in the poem you wrote. Thank you.